Welcome to 2022!

I have a good feeling about this year, not just for me but for everyone.
Last year was one of the toughest years for me personally
I will give you the shortened version (not for sympathy but hopefully to show you that you too can run an online business through really tough times). I appreciate that some people had it harder than me, but for me it was a really difficult 12 months.
I started the year, like many of you, having not seen my family for months. The last time I saw my family in 2020 was in the August (they all live 200+ miles from me).
I was in limbo too whilst I waited the results of a tumour that had been removed a few days before Christmas (make sure you check your boobs ladies!). Luckily I was cancer free but resulted in a slow start to 2021 for me.
Then the kids didn’t go back to school as planned 😳, this threw me as I had booked in a very very busy January work wise to make up for me not being very present whilst I had surgery. Please please don’t make me homeschool again 😂. I mean I really love my children but I also like to have a break from them too!
In February I received the worst call ever from my Dad. My Nan had fallen and was on her way to hospital. She was 96, super healthy and had managed to avoid the C word for the whole of 2020 despite still trying to live her life as normally as she could.
Unfortunately, hospital wasn’t the best place and she caught Covid, dying 2 weeks after being admitted for a broken hip.
I’m not going to lie, this was the point my focus left the business world, not that anyone on the outside would have noticed. I still had posts going out regularly, I was still present for my clients and the members of The VA Mentor Membership. But I was on autopilot.
My youngest daughter had been processing trauma from a dog attack 2 years ago, it decided to rear its ugly head after she found out her Gran Gran had died. We had some very tough months navigating her PTSD, trying to obtain the correct help and generally hugging on the sofa!
The Christmas Break
I was very much looking forward to the Christmas break so I could spend some time with my family and just relax. The universe had different ideas and forced me to stop and rest properly, I have been quite ill with sinus ear and chest infections 😳.
I decided in October that I was going to give myself a break towards the rest of 2021 and just slow down a bit. What this did was provide me with clarity and vision for how I want to help people in 2022. How I envision my business to be, to enable me to live the life I love.
So here we are, 4th January 2022, all that happened in 2021 is behind us and all we can do is move forward.
I choose to move forward with positivity. What about you?
Last year wasn’t all that bad though
I helped 6 wonderful women set up their own virtual assistant businesses. I have supported the women in The VA Mentor Membership Group. Set up Advantage Virtual Agency, which will be the one stop shop in all outsourcing requirements for businesses. Become the director of two limited companies. Spent an awful lot of time with my family. Reset my boundaries and started to look after ME.
The VA Mentor Programme is better than ever, I have space for one person each month to join me on that. If you are thinking about starting up your own online business and don’t know where to start, drop me a message.
The VA Mentor Membership has just had a restructure and will really help you to move your current VA business forward. If you would like to be a part of the amazing community in there, please get in touch and we can see if it’s right for you.
AND… if you made it this far, thanks for staying with me!
We all have our own challenges and difficulties but by taking time to stop and reflect on the positives you can truly move forward with small progressive steps. Give it a go, I’d love to hear how your year was. And I mean that.
2022 is going to be an amazing year for online business and I cant wait to share it with you all!