The Value of Having a Mentor and Support Network as a Virtual Assistant

Like all careers, being a Virtual Assistant comes with its challenges.
There’s no doubt to the benefits it provides, but working for yourself can feel overwhelming at times – whether you’re a longtime VA or just starting out.
Being your own boss means you’re left to your own devices. You have to make all the decisions, set a plan and motivate yourself to put it into action.
It can be even trickier if you’re used to being employed and you’re no longer working in a busy work environment, surrounded by your team, managers and a clear structure.
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by everything and unsure of what to do next to create the flexible, online business that you aspire for. But there is a way to make it easier…
Having a mentor and support network.
Here’s a few reasons why investing in a mentor and finding the right support can be so valuable:
1. Accountability
When you’re working alone, it can be easy to let things slide and life can get in the way. Deadlines may slip, projects may get pushed back or you may just end up so busy with client work that you forget to focus on your own business.
Having someone to check in with and hold you accountable helps you to stay on track and reach your goals. A mentor in particular can help you prioritise and set realistic targets, ensuring that your business is consistently growing in the right direction for you.
2. Community and Connection
One of the downsides of working as a Virtual Assistant is that it often feels like you only have yourself and your computer for company. You don’t have colleagues sitting at the desk next to you to have a quick chat with or ask for advice.
Finding the right support network can provide you with a community of people like you, who know what you’re going through and understand exactly what it takes to grow as a VA. It can provide you with the space you need to connect, share ideas and ask any questions you may have.
3. Advice and Guidance
The most valuable thing a mentor can bring to the table is their experience. They have been exactly where you are and know how to overcome the challenges it takes to succeed as a successful VA. They can save you the trial and error of figuring out what you need to do next to move your business forward. Plus having someone there to be a sounding board and provide feedback can help you achieve things you haven’t even dreamed of!
4. Support
Everybody needs a helping hand at some point and having the right support around you when you need it can make all the difference. There’s plenty of ups and downs to running your own business, and it’s important to have someone there that you can turn to for guidance, support or even just to listen at the end of a tough day.
5. Learning, Growth and Development
The Virtual Assistant world is constantly evolving and you need to focus on your development to stay up to date, if not, ahead of trends and practices. From new software to business development, being part of a mentorship or community can help keep your skills sharp and knowledge current. Plus collaborating with others gives you the opportunity to not only learn from each other but may even lead to new clients.
Join The VA Membership Support Group
Wherever you might be in your journey, the VA membership support group offers 3 different levels to provide you with what you need to succeed and keep your business moving forward.
As well as access to training and resources to help you develop and grow your business, you also become part of a community of VAs all working together and supporting each other to achieve their goals!